So some background on the movie. The story follows Mia, a senior in High School, before and after a tragic accident that claims the lives of her family. It shows her going around the hospital, while her body lays in a coma, trying to find answers and basically deciding to stay and live or be with her family. It also flashes back to when she first meets and the subsequent relationship between her and Adam.
The relationship between Adam and Mia, at points, kind of pissed me off and yet I could relate. At times it seems like Mia is trying so hard to hold on to Adam that she loses part of herself and just does and goes where he does. I think once she sees his dreams becoming a reality she realizes she has dreams as well.
I loved her parents. I think that is one of the reasons I had snot mixing in with tears I was crying so hard, don't pretend it's never happened to you everyone has ugly cried at least once.
The parents were caring and laid back, while at the same time providing some comedic relief. You could tell how much they really love their children.
I lost it when Teddy died though, I had to pause the movie I was so devastated. I mean I knew from the previews that her parents died, but I honestly thought when we first see him in the hospital he was going to pull through. As Mia falls to her knees in the hallway I was shaking my head yes cause that's exactly the sway I felt.
And then: Oh look Adam. That was another thing that bothered me. Like I get it you're in love with him, the movie is supposed to be kind of focused on this great love, but come on now. I would totally get it if he hadn't basically dumped on her dreams and then run off, but he basically did. And that is one thing I can't get over about a lot of teen fiction, these girls go to the ends of the earth for these guys and the guy is just like " Oh hey cool thanks." I mean get it together be stronger than that. Take Twilight for instance, Bella tries to kill herself just to see Edward again. No just no. Or Mortal Instruments, Clary just keeps putting herself in danger for Jace. She doesn't listen to even Jace himself when he tells her to stop. Hunger Games is probably the only one I see having a strong female, sure she's got Gale and Peeta, but she fights for herself, her family and then Gale and Peeta. It's not like you would see Katniss running headlong into President Snows house shouting "Give Me Peeta!", oh look she got captured. That's how that would go (in my head). I could probably go on forever on the gender issues, but I won't and I probably will even continue to read and watch these stories.
Overall it was a fantastic movie, they pulled you in then ripped your heart out. You got to know all these characters and learned who they really were. You felt the loss of them as if you truly did know them. I'll keep you updated once I finish the book. And no I'm not going to tell you if she decides to stay or go, you will have to see it (or read it) or you can always do what S did after I told him about the movie and google it.
Let me know if you have seen the movie or read the book. Thoughts, reactions, loves, hates?
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